Build Goals and Gameplan
This builds aims to lock down sight-based abilities and give your opponents disadvantage to attack while being able to attack and control the battlefield normally yourself.
Notes On The Alert Feat and Heavy Obscurement
The combos used here will be heavily based on using The Alert feat's ability to remove The advantage your opponent gains when they attack you unseen. Generally, when dealing with Sleet Storm or Fogcloud both parties attack with straight rolls as the advantage of attacking an unseen target is negated by the disadvantage of attacking a target you can’t see, with the Alert feat only you attack with a straight roll for when your opponent attacks they no longer get advantage form attacking you unseen, thus only the disadvantage of attacking an unseen opponent remains for them.
Key Spells
Fog Cloud
Causes Heavy Obscurement allowing our game plan to start, not replaced by Sleet Strom entirely has it range increase significantly every spell level,
Sleet Storm
Sleet Storm allows us to do everything we were doing with Fog cloud, however, now we can apply a dex save prone and a movement penalty due to difficult terrain. However, the range of effect isn’t nearly as long, sleet storm is more useful for more targeted attacks.
Race, Muti-Class Choices, Feat Progression, and Point Buy
Race Custom Lineage
Simply Custom Lineage is the best race in the game and allows you to be anything you want. What’s not to love?
Level 1 Feat: Alert
You pick up Alert right off the bat, allowing you to start your gameplan ASAP
Multi-Class Choices
We start as a fighter for 18 AC with medium armor, a shield, Con proficiency, and the Blind fighting style allowing us to have an advantage on attack rolls within 10 feet(within 5 feet we attack normally due to range attack disadvantage). This Dip isn’t bad as it gives up everything we would want besides the spell slot. Also because it’s easy to reach multiclass requirements it’s quite easy to dip into something else later or right after picking this Multi-class up. Getting more levels into fighter would be interesting, but, likely very gimped.
Point Buy: N/A(based on what you’re dipping into)
Feat progression: N/A
No Dip Feat Progression
Peace Cleric
One of the best dips in the game giving you 18 AC with medium armor, a shield, spell slots, wisdom proficiency, and the emboldening bond effect improving your whole party’s attacks rolls, ability check, and saves. However, the lack of Con proficiency means feat-wise concessions must be given. More peace class levels past level 1 would only weaken the build.
Point Buy: STR 8, DEX 14, CON 14, WIS 13, CHA 16
Feat Progression: Tier 1 feat: Warcaster, Tier 2 Feat: CHA ASI, Tier 3 Feat: Polearm Mastery
Divine Soul Sorcerer & Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Gives you a Con proficiency, good spells such as Shield & Absorb Elements, and alternatively, after picking up Elemental Gift as a Warlock, you can go the Sorcerer route instead of mostly warlock.
If you choose Divine Soul Sorcerer you get the ability Favor of The Gods giving you a bonus on saves every short rest, as opposed to choosing Clockwork Soul Sorcerer which gives you Restore Balance which isn’t as good, however, if you choose to go the Sorcerer route, it will offer you better spells. Although all of this is great, no armor makes this a tough dip to pick by itself, a suggested fighter dip might be needed.
Point Buy: STR 8, DEX 14, CON 14, WIS 12, CHA 17
Feat Progression: Tier 1 Feat: Feytouched(CHA, Gift of Alacrity), Tier 2 Feat: Warcaster, Tier 3 Feat: Polearm Mastery
Notes on Warcaster + Polearm Mastery
The combination of Warcaster and Polearm Mastery allows you to use eldritch blast as an attack of opportunity on any opponent that gets within ten feet of you, being able to do this combined with repelling blast allows for massive control over melee combatants you’ll be facing. If your DM doesn’t like this, you can always adjust the feat progression by getting Max Cha over Polearm Mastery.
Notes Feytouched(Gift of Alacrity)
Feytouched is amazing not only netting us 18Cha, but we also get Gift of Alacrity boosting our already high initiative thanks to the Alert Feat by a bonus of 4,5.
Level progression
Level 2. Genie Warlock
You’re Finally a warlock. Genie allows you to pick any object you choose to be your vessel, so you might be keen to pick a good magic item like the ring of three wishes(if your DM is reasonable). Even without that you still have some good abilities at this level.
Level 3. Marid
You become cool. You pick up Agonizing Blast & Repelling blast allowing you the start of the game plan of heavy obscurement with Eldritch Blasts control with Fog Cloud.
Level 4. Marid
More fog clouds and blasting. Doesn't really matter what pact you pick up with here.
Level 5. Marid. Feat
You pick up a feat at this level, which feat relies solely on what class dip you have chosen.
Level 6. Marid
Acquiring Sleet storm powers you up dramatically. Now as you can even more effectively deal with more situations.
Level 7. Marid
We Fly now? Yes, you can if needed with a simple bonus action. Making you even harder to hit.
Next Steps For Leveling:
The choice to just continue warlock to level 20 is a good one, however, there’s a lot you can do with Sorcrecer Multi-Class. Either one could continue with Marid picking up awesome ability Limited wish and then dip into Sorcrecer, or after level 7 of Marid Warlock, jump to Sorcerer. The choice is yours on where you want to go next.
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